There is no clear evidence to suggest that CBD could increase feelings of depression. However, since fatigue is associated with depression, it's important to be aware of that potential side effect. If you want to use CBD to treat depression, consider if it might interact with the medications you're currently taking. There are a number of conditions where CBD is supposed to help, although more research is needed to determine the potential effects and benefits of CBD.
Some of the existing studies suggest that CBD holds promise in treating a number of conditions including depression, anxiety, epilepsy, and sleep problems, among other things. Anxiety is a common problem for many people. Anxiety disorders are estimated to affect 19.1% of the U.S. UU.
Some studies suggest that CBD may help relieve symptoms of anxiety. A study analyzes the possible neural basis for CBD to reduce symptoms of social anxiety disorder. A study of adults who had symptoms of anxiety and lack of sleep found that 65% experienced improvements in sleep quality scores after a month of taking an average of 25 mg of CBD per day, although those scores fluctuated over time. More research is needed to determine the possible effects of CBD on sleep.
The study found that pharmaceutical HCT (with or without CBD) was associated with small improvements in anxiety symptoms among people with other medical conditions, such as chronic pain and MS, although this evidence was considered to be of poor quality. Many experts remain optimistic that CBD may be useful for a variety of mental health conditions. CBD has demonstrated therapeutic efficacy in a variety of animal models of anxiety and stress, reducing both behavioral and physiological (for example, Volkow, the Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse in testimony presented to the Senate Caucus on International Drug Control). CBD can have an effect on your condition or it can interact with a medication you are taking.
For example, CBD can sometimes worsen anxiety symptoms. CBD can also interfere with the metabolism of certain medications, which can change the way medications affect the body. If you experience symptoms of a mental health condition, you should talk to a doctor or mental health professional. Self-medication with CBD or other supplements can cause treatment delays, which can cause symptoms to worsen.
CBD also has the potential to aggravate some symptoms such as anxiety, sleep problems and psychosis. It is assumed that the THC content of a product labeled as CBD contains less than 0.3% of the dry weight of THC in its leaves and buds.